Business is complicated. On any given day, you never know what kind of constraints you might need to use to filter the contacts in your address book.
The Search Groups feature in the Route4Me address book map makes it easy to find what you’re looking for.
To create a rule for your search group, first select the field you want to search through (text or numerical). Then, select the operators that define the relationship between the field selection and the searched text.
For text fields, you have the following operator options:
- contains – text is present in the field as a digit, word, or part of a word
- doesn’t contain – text is not present in the field
- has word – text is present in the field as a whole word
- equal – contains the exact text specified
- not equal – contains anything but the exact text specified
- begins with – any of the words or numbers in the field begin with a certain letter or digit or group of letters or digits
- ends with – any of the words or numbers in the field end with a certain letter or digit or group of letters or digits
- is empty – field does not contain any information
- is not empty – field contains any information
For numeric fields, you have these additional operator options:
- less - field contains a value less than the specified value
- less or equal - field contains a value less than or equal to the specified value
- greater - field contains a value greater than the specified value
- greater or equal - field contains a value greater than or equal to the specified value
- between - field contains a value between specified values

To finish creating your rule, enter the phrase you want to search for. You can create multiple rules for the same search. For searches that have multiple rules, you can choose whether contacts need to meet all the rules or just one of them to be included in the search group.
The Search Groups feature also helps you visualize your group, as you can choose which icon is used to display the filtered addresses on your map. Once a group is created, you can plan a route for all the contacts in the group with just the touch of a button. You can save all the addresses and contact information in the group as a CSV file as well.