Advanced Reporting
CONTACT USRoutes seem simple. On the surface, they just look like lines that show you how to get from Point A to Point B.
But routes are actually very complex. They involve many different types of information, such as:
- Amount of distance between stops
- Estimated arrival time for each stop
- Actual arrival time for each stop
- Amount of fuel used to travel to each stop
- Cost of fuel used to travel to each stop
- Remaining weight of cargo after each stop
- Remaining pieces of cargo after each stop
- Remaining volume of cargo after each stop

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. With Route4Me’s Advanced Reporting add-on, you can go through all this data with a fine-tooth comb and find new ways to improve your business.

For example, you might discover that your stops are farther apart than they need to be, which would allow you to adjust your approach and make your organization more efficient. You know what they say - knowledge is power.