Stay Compliant With Our Corporate Branding Guidelines
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Route4Me Symbol
The symbol is composed of simple geometric shapes. Note the consistency of shapes, sizes, and spacing. This geometry must always be maintained.

Route4Me Logo
The logo parts have very specific placement relationships within each other. The alignments create a solid lockup. Knowing these spatial relationships is critical for maintaining consistency across the brand.

Logo on Backgrounds
The logo should be used only on white or blue backgrounds. Avoid using logo on photographs unless the logo sits on the white area of the image.

Logo Clear Space
Ensure there is adequate space between the logo and surrounding elements. The clear space around should always be greater than or equal to the 1/3 of logo height.

Follow the spacing and alignment specifications below when locking the Route4Me logo up with a series of affiliated logos. Partner logos should be aligned to the optical baseline of Route4Me logotype.

* Google and/or Amazon logos are displayed for demonstration purposes only. Their placement near the Route4Me logo does not suggest a partnership or business relationship exists.
Mobile App Icon
An icon may have different shape on different devices. Ensure there is adequate space between the logo and icon shape edge.

Logo Misuse
The logo parts have very specific placement relationships within each other. The alignments create a solid lockup. Knowing these spatial relationships is critical for maintaining consistency across the brand.

Usage Guidelines
The Route4Me marks include the Route4Me name and logo, and any word, phrase, image, or other designation that identifies the source or origin of any of Route4Me's products. Please don't modify the marks or use them in a confusing way, including suggesting sponsorship or endorsement by Route4Me, or in a way that confuses Route4Me with another brand (including your own).
You may not:
- Use any logos or similar imagery to represent Route4Me other than the examples we have provided
- Use a Route4Me asset as a substitute for your own — if you don’t have a logo, please do not co-opt ours
- Overprint or obstruct any part of the logo
- Add special effects to the logo
- Distribute or otherwise make available our logos, marks, or assets
Below is the official Route4Me color palette. Avoid deviating from this core set of colors.
Primary Blue
HEX: #334799RGB: R 51 / G 71 / B 153

Accent Orange
HEX: #FF7B24RGB: R 255 / G 123 / B 36

Action Green
HEX: #A1C060RGB: R 161 / G 192 / B 96

HEX: #555555RGB: R 83 / G 83 / B 83

Color Balance
Preserve approximate color percentage according to the graph below.

Route4Me uses Open Sans for all headlines, buttons and paragraph text.
Open Sans
The exact point sizes and leading are not prescriptive and should be adapted to the size of the materials and layouts. However, the general proportions, weights and tracking should be kept intact for all layouts.